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California Halibut: Paralichthys californicus
Basic Men's Tee Shirt
Design is printed on a mid-weight 100% Cotton Gildan Tee. Very basic universal sizing. Halibut on back, NorthCoast Brine logo on front breast
Original artwork by Emma Hurley of NorthCoast Brine

California Halibut Men's Tee

  • SUSTAINABILITY: halibut caught by hook and line is a BEST choice- this is a well-managed fishery, which has low rates of bycatch and causes little habitat damage. Avoid halibut caught by bottom trawl or gillnets- as these method result in bycatch and habitat destruction.

    Range: Magdalena Bay, Baja California north to the Quillayute River in Washington- most common off of central California

    Habitat: Shallow Sandy Environment up to 600ft deep

    Diet: anchovy, small fish, squid

    Age: slow growing fish, max age is 30yrs, maturity 3yrmales, 5yrs females

    CA recreational fishing regs: 22" min length, 3 fish total per person, no season closure

  • If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return an item in its original new condition (unworn) within 2 weeks of purchase date.You will be refunded the purchase price minus shipping.

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